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Space science offers a variety of entry points and support to all national and international curricula, to all ages, abilities and subject domain areas. It also provides extensive support to many areas of the "hidden" curriculum - as illustrated in the "mind-map" below.function splash() {','splash1','width=400, height=400, left=100, top=200, toolbar=0, location=0, directories=0, status=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0, resizable=0');}

The mind-map expresses just a few of the many possible entry points and domains. Each entity is shown here of equal weight with the intention that each might be used as a stand-alone element or as an exemplar/support to another entry point or subject domain. Every educator will enter the "mind map" from a different point.

Each entry point might also be used with appropriate differentiation from early years to upper secondary levels. All the entry points may be supported by material and exemplars from across the ESA web pages

Use the links on the right to download either a colour, or black and white print version of the mind map.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
1-Jun-2024 09:44 UT

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